Daily News

Source: Financialpost May 09, 2023

Pandemic-era graduates are struggling at work because they lack basic professional skills

Junior employees who spent part of their school years isolated from peers have found it harder to adapt to work environment Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd. and PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd. are giving extra coaching to their youngest...

Source: Financialpost May 09, 2023

Canadian bank earnings at risk from office real estate exposure, says Bay Street analyst

Commercial real estate loans represent the second-largest lending exposure of Canada’s six largest banks Get the latest from Barbara Shecter straight to your inbox Sign Up Canada’s banks may not be as exposed to commercial real estate...

Source: Financialpost May 09, 2023

Diane Francis: Canada must lead the way on expelling Russia from the UN

Countries must insist on changes as Russia continues its immoral war against Ukraine Canada has not punched above its weight on the world stage since the Liberals came to power in 2015, but could vindicate itself by leading a movement to immedi...

Source: Financialpost May 09, 2023

Posthaste: Looks like Canada's housing market has finally turned the corner

And that could stop the Bank of Canada from cutting rates this year We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser, ortap here to see other videos from our team. Posthaste: Looks like Cana...

Source: Financialpost May 09, 2023

Do you want a digital loonie? The Bank of Canada wants to know

Policymakers will take submissions until June 19 Get the latest from Stephanie Hughes straight to your inbox Sign Up The Bank of Canada said it still thinks a digital version of the dollar is unnecessary. But it wants to know what Can...

Source: Bankofcanada May 08, 2023

Bank of Canada launches public consultations on a digital dollar

The Bank of Canada is launching an online public consultation on the features that could be included in a digital Canadian dollar. The consultation opened today and...

Source: Financialpost May 08, 2023

Theo Argitis: Climate plan doubts could speed up Canada election timing

Liberals face choice between two bad options to meet climate goals It would be an exaggeration to say that Canadian business and policymakers are teeming with confidence the country will hit its ambitious climate transition targets. In Ottawa a...

Source: Financialpost May 08, 2023

More bank failures to come with U.S. system under stress

Watch: Purpose Investments' Greg Taylor on the U.S. banking system Greg Taylor, CIO and portfolio manager at Purpose Investments, talks with Financial Post’s Larysa Harapyn about the U.S. regional banking crisis and why more failures may be in...

Source: Financialpost May 07, 2023

'Summertime Bank of Canada hike'? What the economists are saying about April's job numbers

Canada's job numbers blew past expectations in April, but that wasn't the only surprise Canada added 41,400 jobs in April, beating the consensus forecast of Bay Street economists for a gain of 20,000, according to new data released by Statistic...

Source: Financialpost May 07, 2023

Shopify cuts, Fed hikes, TD walks away: Here are the week's top 7 stories

Watch Financial Post reporter Stephanie Hughes count down the stories that made headlines Get the latest from Stephanie Hughes straight to your inbox Sign Up Stephanie Hughes, finance reporter for the Financial Post, walks you through...